“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Eternal Life.”…John 3:16.
The Lord God created Heaven and Earth. He rules in Heaven and assigned Adam (humans – created in His image) as ‘god’ to rule the earth. This is why The Lord God created Adam and Eve like Himself – with dominion, power, and authority over the earth. Humans are the only ones in the universe created in the likeness of God. The obvious reason is for man to assert God’s will on the earth. Like minds reason alike!
The Almighty God established a relationship with Adam – Father to son, Master to Servant. It was and still is a relationship…NOT RELIGION.
God is a Spirit, so Adam and Eve are spirits (the breath of God). The Lord God molded an earthen vessel to contain Adam’s spirit, so that he can function on earth. God then took a rib from Adam to create a vessel to contain Eve’s spirit. Adam and Eve eventually disobeyed and betrayed God by believing the devil rather than God. They ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that against God’s will. They were therefore sent out if the Garden of Eden. By this action of ‘High Treason’, Adam and Eve sold the ‘Rulership’ of God’s Earth to the devil.
JESUS DIED FOR ME, TOOK MY SINS AND THE PENALTIES (SUFFERINGS) But, God loves and misses our relationship with HIM. So, He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die in our place. Jesus came paid the price for our sins, served our punishments, and has given us ETERNAL LIFE with Him in Heaven. The Holy Ghost (youtube)